Aboriginal Peak Organisations Northern Territory — APO NT

Our Governing Group

APO NT operates as an alliance on the basis that all members of APO NT make decisions as equals in relation to policy, strategy, governance, funding and operations including media.

To achieve this, APO NT has established a Governing Group comprising Aboriginal Chief Executive Officers and/or Chairs of the member organisations.

The Governing Group provides direction and makes decisions, regarding all of APO NT’s work, in consultation with their respective Executive Councils or Boards.

APO NT’s current members are:

  • Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT (AMSANT)
  • Northern Land Council (NLC)
  • Central Land Council (CLC)
  • Aboriginal Housing (NT) (AH/NT)
  • North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA)
  • NT Indigenous Business Network (NTIBN)
  • Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC)
  • Tiwi Land Council (TLC)

Other Aboriginal community-controlled peak organisations that are based in the Northern Territory may join APO NT either by invitation or application. A form is available for this purpose.

APO NT membership is based on community-controlled organisations accountable to Aboriginal communities in the NT. Membership is open to:

(a) NT non-government Aboriginal bodies and independent statutory authorities which are community-controlled, support self- determination and are committed to the full involvement of Aboriginal people in the design and delivery of policies, programs and services that affect them;

(b) Have their governing boards elected by Aboriginal communities and/or organisations which are accountable to that membership; and

(c) Have functions that include acting as a peak body including representing the interests of their members to governments and providing policy and program leadership.In certain circumstances, with the full agreement of the Governing Group, other not-for-profit Aboriginal controlled organisations exercising a peak body role for a specific Aboriginal sectoral constituency in the Northern Territory can also be eligible for membership.

Decisions about applications for membership will be made by the Governing Group, in consultation with their respective Executive Council or Boards. In making decisions, the Governing Group will have regard to eligibility for membership, the unity and effectiveness of APO NT and achieving the best outcomes for Aboriginal people of the NT.

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